Tuesday, April 15, 2008

lose weight? know your BMR first

Basic metabolic requirement is the energy expenditure your body requires to sustain life while resting.. sleeping for instance will burn 1kcal/min. So 6 hrs of sleeping will need 396 calories.
As one gets older there is a corresponding decrease in BMR, thus the reason why they also gain more weight. That is if there is no corresponding adjustment to their caloric intake. But wait, it doesn't mean you have to starve yourself !

You can increase your BMR while maintaining those caloric intake! Having that cake and eat it too! So how? Excercise! If one walks to a distance of 3.5 miles in one hour, you birn 300+kcal. You double the distnce by running or joggin in the same duration of 1 hour and you lose 800+kcalories!

A pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories. So expenditure of the same amount of calories will lose you a pound of fat. Combination of increased physical activity and caloric restriction is the best way to lose those excessive pondage of fat. Eat 500 calories less/day and increase energy expenditure by excercise. Its healthier too!

So, first try to know your BMR by the calculator in this link below
Weight watchers should be concern with the kind of food they take cause it is far more difficult to burn those calories. A peanut butter sandwich (2 tbsp) taken for instance would take you 5 miles or one hour of walking to burn.
know your ideal weight too by this calculator http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/iwc
The calories you burn would depend on your weight ,the kind and intensity level of activity you are doing. Know the calories burned in some of the activity.
calories in foods
A typical pinoy breakfast of eggs, toccino, sausage maybe bacon and matching fried rice would easily give you 1000-1500kcal early in the day.

Monday, April 14, 2008

cell therapy in capsule?

cell therapy started with implantation of parathyroid tissue to a patient who's parathyroid glands were inadvertently removed some 80 years ago!

how effective is cell therapy?

Using stem cells to replaced damaged tissues has a very promising medical applications. In fact it is being used now in treatment of some incurable diseases like spinal cord injuries, muscular disorders and diseases of blood. But most of these are in their experimental stages.

And now there is even a preparation in capsule form. This bioactive capsule contains MFIII.

The so called MFIII, which is known as the 'rolls-royce' of food supplement is being used as anti-anging and cell regenerating therapies. Unlike other cell therapy this one is taken from sheep cells. Why sheep's embryonic cell?



Monday, April 7, 2008

muscle twitch


we don't need to kill frogs now in order to know and understand muscle twitch. sometime we wasted frog's life then learned nothing from it. that's tragic!
playing with muscle twitch in this website, we should have the picture of the myofilamints in our minds. it would also help if one will go back to the topic of skeletal muscle contraction which was posted here somtime ago.
the role of calcium ion is highlighted by this experiment.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

top 5 in physio finals

1. Usero 84.11%
2. Melchor 82.94%
3. Woo 82.94%
4. Rivera 81. 76%
5. King 79.41%