Wednesday, June 20, 2012

o you know how to define genes?

genes are made up of DNA. DNA in turn is made of mulititude of nucleutides. Nucleotide is a chemical compound made up of a nitrogen base, phosphoric acid and sugar.

genes are more known for its function in heredity but it is also respsonsible for the daily activity of the cell : that's why it is called the control center of the cell. Cytoplasmic activity is the due to enzyme-regulated chemical reactions. Genes dictate the kind of structural and globular protein that will be produced. The specialization of cellular function for instance is controlled by the genes.

But genes are inside the nucleus and to command cytoplasmic acitivity it needs to exert its control in the cytoplasm by some mechanism. This is thru RNA synthesis. With specificity of nitrogen base pairing this control mechanism of the genes is almost perfect till the code is translated in the cytoplasm

simplified transcription

translation of the message simplified

what happened in mutation

when mutation occurs then that's the start of the malignant growth or cancer

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Physiology Study TipsPhysiology is a difficult subject, covering a large volume of challenging materials.
Below are a number of suggestions you might consider that will facilitate learning and performing well on exams:

1. Come to class.The best guide for understanding which concepts are most important and how they will be applied and examined is to attend lecture.
Studies have shown that you remember only 10% of what you read, but 20% of what you hear. So show up, listen and learn more.

2. Come to class prepared.
At a minimum, this means reading ahead the section of the print notes to be covered that day. Reviewing the previous day's notes as well will further prepare you forroup.Studying doesn't have to be a solitary, boring endeavor. Make it a social activity that you can look forward to, and enjoy. As indicated above, you learn a lot more by discussing something than by just reading it, and for that reason group work is highly effective as a learning tool.
3. Are you trying all of this, and still not making the grade?--- maybe this is not for you