Physiology Study TipsPhysiology is a difficult subject, covering a large volume of challenging materials.
Below are a number of suggestions you might consider that will facilitate learning and performing well on exams:
1. Come to class.The best guide for understanding which concepts are most important and how they will be applied and examined is to attend lecture.
Studies have shown that you remember only 10% of what you read, but 20% of what you hear. So show up, listen and learn more.
2. Come to class prepared.
At a minimum, this means reading ahead the section of the print notes to be covered that day. Reviewing the previous day's notes as well will further prepare you forroup.Studying doesn't have to be a solitary, boring endeavor. Make it a social activity that you can look forward to, and enjoy. As indicated above, you learn a lot more by discussing something than by just reading it, and for that reason group work is highly effective as a learning tool.
3 as soon as possible after class, return to your notes to make them as complete and as organized as possible
4. Think up questions that your notes answer and write them in the margins of your notes
5. Practice answering them(aloud is best, maybe with fellow student).
6. Always test yourself.
7. Are you trying all of this, and still not making the grade?--- maybe this is not for you
Below are a number of suggestions you might consider that will facilitate learning and performing well on exams:
1. Come to class.The best guide for understanding which concepts are most important and how they will be applied and examined is to attend lecture.
Studies have shown that you remember only 10% of what you read, but 20% of what you hear. So show up, listen and learn more.
2. Come to class prepared.
At a minimum, this means reading ahead the section of the print notes to be covered that day. Reviewing the previous day's notes as well will further prepare you forroup.Studying doesn't have to be a solitary, boring endeavor. Make it a social activity that you can look forward to, and enjoy. As indicated above, you learn a lot more by discussing something than by just reading it, and for that reason group work is highly effective as a learning tool.
3 as soon as possible after class, return to your notes to make them as complete and as organized as possible
4. Think up questions that your notes answer and write them in the margins of your notes
5. Practice answering them(aloud is best, maybe with fellow student).
6. Always test yourself.
7. Are you trying all of this, and still not making the grade?--- maybe this is not for you
hahaha! physio here i come! hahahha! thanx for the tips doc!
your truly welcome, mango. Stay close to this site if you are serious about physio
hi doc. can i ask for our first lesson in physio? i like to study in advance. thanks doc.
hi there aius...I would presume you are one of my in-coming physio students.. welcome and it is really good for you to have visited this helpful site..if you would tour around you would see self-help chapters 1,2,3 and 4..that would be a good start dear
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