Monday, March 15, 2010

BACTOL again in physiolab

followed by


well done guys


Halz said...

good day doc! we have some few questions about physiolab et microlab finals. here are some of them. please take a look at them, maybe you can consider some.. =)

TestI: Multiple Choice
5. PCR means
a)polymerase coupled reaction
b) polymerase chain reaction
our ans: B
20. How do you take the online microlab...
our ans: A or B - cause its subjective doc, right? =)

Test II: Matching Type
2. N. meningitidis
our ans: B, Gm- Cocci
3. C. perfgringens
our ans: C, Gm+ Bacilli
4. S. aaureus
our ans: A Gm+ Cocci

Test III: True or False
4. Disinfectants are best used against living tissues
our ans: False - antiseptics
5. When disinfectant is used, all microorganisms are killed.
our ans: False - sterilization kills all microorganism. Disinfection using disinfectants only reduces the number of viable organisms.
10. Alcohols should not be applied to open wounds since they can cause tissue damage.
Our ans: True - antiseptics are best used on living tissues to kill microbes, alcohols can cause tissue damage.

Test I: True or False Page1
6.The optic nerve is responsible for the efferent limb of the pupillary reflex, occulomotor for the afferent limb.
our ans: False, occulomotor nerve is the efferent limb of the pupillary reflex, optic nerve is the sensory or afferent limb.
13.The sperm count per ejaculation is 2-4M.
our ans: False, 40M/ejaculation.

jss said...

agree to all...sorry for the lapses