are proactive in their approach and deal with incidents of bullying promptly, firmly and fairly.BAD SCHOOLS
deny it, ignore it, justify it, rationalise it, handle it inappropriately, sweep it under the carpet, blame the victim of bullying, blame the parents of the victim of bullying--- ADI the
penalizes the victims of serial bully when they stand up against bullies while theschool CHAPLAIN
would not want to lose a nice breakfast to listening to anything pertaining to school bullying. This is the kind of school authorities that perpetuate and nurture school bullies to become monsters. Shame. I even lose appetite thinking this could happen in a catholic school.
It's sad to hear that my high school has really turned for the worst. I'm a proud Atenean And I've never experienced anything like that in my 4 years stay there. It's discouraging to know that a premiere catholic school can stand to tolerate bullying. :(
a jesuit priest turning a blind eye on this issue is sad. Never mind the POD who himself obviously needs help. 2 growing kids need help in here both the bully and the victim. The school authorities failed miserably. No christian act in here. Thanks for your thoughts.
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