Thursday, December 11, 2008

free radicals and antioxidants

We often watch TV commercials about free radicals and using antioxidants against them.
Aging process and diseases are said to be due to generation of free radicals either endogenous or exogenously.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

umami -- the fifth basic taste

pleasant taste of food , its not bitter, not sour , not sweet , not even salty. A combination of two, three maybe all of them might might give rise to umami. Is there a scientific basis for the relative new sense of taste?

This sense of pleasant savory taste is due to a certain amino acid called glutamate. It has its own taste bud and receptor, that's why it is designated as the 5th primary taste.

How was it discovered?

staining - principles and methods

We can't see them. They are colorless and extremely minute. So we stain them to see their morphology and arrangement.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

back to resveratrol

1 cup of red wine is equivalent to 1 cup of boiled peanut in resveratrol content!

SIR2 genes is activated by resveratrol. This longevity gene has the capacity to extend the cell's survival by protecting the genes from extraneous injurious agents like free radicals and biological agents. Knowing that genetic apparatus is important being the ultimate regulator of cellular activity then it is clear how the cell can extend its life.

Longevity genes can be activated also by caloric restriction. But why restrict caloric intake when there is resveratrol?

Studies of David Sinclair has shown these findings.

Friday, October 17, 2008

bone physio finals

congratualtions to Ms GLADYS CORREOS

3 pts shy from perfect score

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

midterm exam physiolab

please review last long quiz.

same principles and maybe some same questions but don't give me same wrong answer

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

lab long quiz result

1. Blasurca
2. Lim
3. Tiongko - most improved

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

athletes and types of muscle fiber

It is generally known that muscle fibers are grouped into 2 general category: slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers.

Slow muscle fibers fire more slowly than fast twitch fibers and can go for a long time before they fatigue. They are more efficient at using oxygen to generate more energy( ATP) for continuous, extended muscle contractions over a long time. Thus the kind of muscle fibers for endurance athlete.

Fast twitch fibers use anaerobic metabolism to create energy, they are much better at generating short bursts of strength or speed than slow muscles. However, they fatigue quite quickly. They are able to do this because they use anaerobic respiration.

The difference in color of these types of muscle fiber was initially noted by Ranvier wayback 1873. And this has to do with the red-pigmented cytochrome complexes and myglobin content of the muscle fibers. Thus with more mitochondria, the red colored muscle is more physiologically equipped with the demands for continuous aerobic respiration which is the characteristic of slow fibers.

So, are the athelets genetically determined to be a sprinter or a marathoner? Then what is the relevance of training ? Can an endurance athlete be trained to attain more slow fibers than fast fibers?

Friday, August 22, 2008

Coffee and the heart - friend or foe?

A new study conducted on Swedish women has found that drinking coffee might not increase the risk of having a heart attack. On the contrary, it might actually be protective for the heart.

The truth of the matter is that reports regarding this relationship of coffee and heart are mixed and conflicting.

Some would say that occasional drinkers are the ones at high risk of heart attack.

Monday, July 21, 2008


after 7 quizes in physio, here are the FURIOUS FIVE
1. Ngo
2. Nicolasora
3. Ogacion
4. Gaitano
5. Lim

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Diffusion - the process by which molecules spread from areas of high concentratiion, to areas of low concentration.
When the molecules are even throughout a space - it is called EQUILIBRIUM
Concentration gradient - a difference between concentrations in a space.

How molecules distribute itself in microcirculation. Transfer of substances in three compartments: intracellualry and extracellularly( interstitial and intravascularly).

what creates the pressure? It is kinetic motion of of particles that exert the pressure as it collide against each other in a give compartment.

Watch and try answering some questions

Friday, June 27, 2008

body tissue

Tissue is a group of cells that have similar structure and that function together as a unit. A nonliving material, called the intercellular matrix, fills the spaces between the cells. This may be abundant in some tissues and minimal in others. The intercellular matrix may contain special substances such as salts and fibers that are unique to a specific tissue and gives that tissue distinctive characteristics. There are four main tissue types in the body: epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous. Each is designed for specific functions. Use the hyperlinks below to branch into a tissue type and learn more about the topic.
Epithelial Tissue
Connective Tissue
Muscle Tissue
Nervous Tissue

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

lose weight? know your BMR first

Basic metabolic requirement is the energy expenditure your body requires to sustain life while resting.. sleeping for instance will burn 1kcal/min. So 6 hrs of sleeping will need 396 calories.
As one gets older there is a corresponding decrease in BMR, thus the reason why they also gain more weight. That is if there is no corresponding adjustment to their caloric intake. But wait, it doesn't mean you have to starve yourself !

You can increase your BMR while maintaining those caloric intake! Having that cake and eat it too! So how? Excercise! If one walks to a distance of 3.5 miles in one hour, you birn 300+kcal. You double the distnce by running or joggin in the same duration of 1 hour and you lose 800+kcalories!

A pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories. So expenditure of the same amount of calories will lose you a pound of fat. Combination of increased physical activity and caloric restriction is the best way to lose those excessive pondage of fat. Eat 500 calories less/day and increase energy expenditure by excercise. Its healthier too!

So, first try to know your BMR by the calculator in this link below
Weight watchers should be concern with the kind of food they take cause it is far more difficult to burn those calories. A peanut butter sandwich (2 tbsp) taken for instance would take you 5 miles or one hour of walking to burn.
know your ideal weight too by this calculator
The calories you burn would depend on your weight ,the kind and intensity level of activity you are doing. Know the calories burned in some of the activity.
calories in foods
A typical pinoy breakfast of eggs, toccino, sausage maybe bacon and matching fried rice would easily give you 1000-1500kcal early in the day.

Monday, April 14, 2008

cell therapy in capsule?

cell therapy started with implantation of parathyroid tissue to a patient who's parathyroid glands were inadvertently removed some 80 years ago!

how effective is cell therapy?

Using stem cells to replaced damaged tissues has a very promising medical applications. In fact it is being used now in treatment of some incurable diseases like spinal cord injuries, muscular disorders and diseases of blood. But most of these are in their experimental stages.

And now there is even a preparation in capsule form. This bioactive capsule contains MFIII.

The so called MFIII, which is known as the 'rolls-royce' of food supplement is being used as anti-anging and cell regenerating therapies. Unlike other cell therapy this one is taken from sheep cells. Why sheep's embryonic cell?

Monday, April 7, 2008

muscle twitch

we don't need to kill frogs now in order to know and understand muscle twitch. sometime we wasted frog's life then learned nothing from it. that's tragic!
playing with muscle twitch in this website, we should have the picture of the myofilamints in our minds. it would also help if one will go back to the topic of skeletal muscle contraction which was posted here somtime ago.
the role of calcium ion is highlighted by this experiment.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

top 5 in physio finals

1. Usero 84.11%
2. Melchor 82.94%
3. Woo 82.94%
4. Rivera 81. 76%
5. King 79.41%

Sunday, March 30, 2008

slide on excitation of skeletal m

Excitation of skeletal muscle contraction
Events occruing after action potential reached the terminal nerve
calcium channel opens
influx of calcium ions
calcium serve as attractant to the vesicles
fusion of vesicles to the neural membrane
release of actylcholine by exocytosis
acetylcholine opens the acetylcholine gated channel
effects of acetylcholine
acetylcholine attaches to the channel
conformational change open the ionic channel
allows Na ions to pass thru the channel
creates an end plate potential
excitation of the skeletal muscle fiber
destruction of acetylcholine
diffusion out of synaptic cleft
its removal prevents muscle re-excitation
safety factor for the transmission at the nmj
Each impulse at the NMJ is 3-4 times as much end
plate potential needed to stimulate the muscle
fiber - high SAFETY FACTOR

Stimulation greater than 100 times/sec. for several
mins. diminishes the number of vesicles at each
impulse – FATIGUE
drugs that affect transmission at the nmj
A. drugs that stimulate the muscle fiber by
acetylcholine-like action
1. metacholine
2. carbachol
3 nicotine
-difference is they are not destroyed by
-prolonged action can cause: SPASM
B. drugs that block transmission at the NMJ
curareform drugs – D-tubocurarine

- competes with actylcholine for the receptor sites
- prevents passage of impulse from endplate into the
C. drugs that stimulate the NMJ by inactivating
1. neostigmine
2. physostigmine
3. diisopropyl fluorophosphate
- inactivate cholinesterase at the synapses
- accumulation of acetylcholine
- can cause repetitive stimulation of muscle fiber
Myasthenia gravis
Paralysis is due to inability of the NMJ to transmit signal
from nerve to muscle fiber
Pathology: antibodies attack the acetylcholine-gated
transport protein
Patient may die of paralysis of respiratory muscles
Allow acetylcholine to accumulate
Excitation contraction coupling
action potential will have to penetrate all the myofibrils
transmission of the action potential from surface to myofibrils
is facilitated by transverse tubules
T tubule action potential cause the sarcoplasmic reticulum to
release calcium ion
Calcium ion then diffuse to the myofibril and binds with
troponin C
calcium pump
Muscular contraction will continue as long as the calcium ions remain high in concentration in sarcoplasmic fluid
Calcium pump -pumps calcium back the sarcoplasmic tubules
Calsequestrin - can bind calcium over 40 times

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


You need to understand the immune system its classification and how it works. Then review your understanding of the hemodynamics of the microcirculation at cellular level. good luck

Friday, March 7, 2008

To live longer, drink and exercise

Drinking is healthy,
exercise is healthy,
and doing a little of both is even healthier,
Danish researchers say

A study done on 12,000+ individuals followed up for 20 years . Moderate drinkers with moderate exercise are 30% better off in their survival than teetotallers.

People who had the lowest risk of dying from any cause were physically active, moderate drinkers while those at highest risk were the physically inactive, heavy drinkers, the study found.

what is moderate drinking, what is moderate and vigorous exercises?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

viral infection- a parasitic infestation

This is not sea urchin.
This is Human immunodeficiency virus.Viruses in general unlike bacteria are packages or capsules of genetic material.
They require living hosts — such as people, plants or animals — to multiply and survive.
When a virus enters your body, it invades some of your cells and takes over the cell machinery, redirecting it to produce the virus. The virus may eventually kill the host cells.

Viruses could either be DNA or RNA virus. Once inside the host cell it could insert its viral genome to the host's nucleus and use its nuclear apparatus to reproduce and multiply. The infected cell usually dies because the virus keeps it from performing its normal functions. When it dies, the cell releases new viruses, which go on to infect other cells.

fusion of T lymphocyte and HIV mechanism
see HIV attacking the T cell in youtube
I just wonder what happens to the regulatory processes -splicing and proof-reading in the transcriptin process..can anybody help?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

would you believe that we have clones amongst us ?

Yes! Twins infact share the same genetic materials hence are clones. Developed from same set of chromosomes that split after fertilization of the ovum. They also share most physical attributes. Can you trace the genetic transfer?
The picture to your right show twin girls..but this happens probably one in a million. Epigenetic modification? this is something else. Read same difference

How do they clone cells or organisms.
So why clone? For medical purposes; cloning animal models for disease, cloning stem cells for research and pharmimg for drug production. and Cloning extinct animals ala Jurassic park? Theoritically yes for so long as the genetic material is preserved well. Some recently extinct species were cloned!
How about human cloning? There are ethical, legal and social issues to consider.

coal fired power plant- mechanics

so much talk about coal fired power plant but as Fr Celiz has mentioned most people would just like to take a 'hitch ride' without a basic knowledge of what the issue is all about..

how effective is an electrostatic precipitator? take a look at this from website of Iowa Department of Natural resources

Thursday, February 14, 2008

enteric endocrine system

see coordination of secretion of hormones from the stomach and duodenum..this is all regulated by feedback system

Saturday, February 9, 2008

glutathione supplement- is it what it is?

master antioxidant? coming soon....

Thursday, February 7, 2008

human beings to live for 120 years??!!

Before it is calorie restriction. Some animal studies conducted over the past 20 years have shown up to a 40% increase in maximum life span. CR also provides numerous secondary health benefits, such as a greatly lowered risk for most degenerative conditions of aging.
Since the discovery of the longevity genes- SIR genes or the 'silent information regulator' gene a decade ago, its only now that David Sinclair of Harvard School of Medicine has found a way to activate these genes resulting in production of an enzyme deacetylase.
Deacetylase would remove acetyl group from histones in the chromosome resulting in ”choking off” of the chromosome making it 'silent '. It is in this state that life span is increased.
How can SIR genes be activated ? Resveratrol , a molecule that can be found in grapes, blue berries and other plants is the key. Must we then be drinking red wine? Sinclaire admits we may start drinking 'few bottles' a day but we will not have the desired effect!
Sinclair is now trying to develop a drug that would do the job. Other than that, no caloric restriction is necessary. NO DIETING NEEDED!! Coming in the next 5 years?

see this beautiful muscular contraction

watch and be able to explain m. contraction

play and learn

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

just what is phosphorylation

by PHOSPHORYLATION... adding a phosphate to ADP ADP + P ------> ATP

a) substrate level phosphorylation... where a substrate molecule ( X-p )
donates its P to ADP making ATP

b) chemiosmosis –
[Oxidative Phosphorylation of Krebs cycle & ETC]... food substrates donate e- &
protons to acceptor molecules [NADH], i.e., oxidation.
NADH gives up electrons & protons
are pumped out of mitochondria (or the chloroplasts in photosynthesis);
protons diffuse back into mito thru an enzyme - ATPase, the ATPase enzyme makes ADP + P --> ATP
how cells produce energy

Hi! Welcome to my blog. I hope we could make great use of this system in pursuing our quest for information on various subjects that we have to deal with and maybe increasing chances of passing physiology and micropathology.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

slide on membrane potential

Membrane potential
n Electrical potential exist across cell membrane

n Generates electrochemical impulses
Membrane potential caused by diffusion
n K concentration is very great inside the cell
n K concentration is very low outside the cell
n Assume that the membrane is permeable only to k
n Concentration gradients dictates K to diffuse out
n K carry + charges resulting to electropositvity outside and electronegativity inside
n Thus concentration difference of ions across a permeable membrane cause the membrane potential
Diffusion potential and concenetration difference
n Nearnst potential –potential level across the membrane that prevents diffusion of the ion in either direction

- measured by the ratio of ion concentration
from two sides of the membrane
n Nearnst potential

n EMF(millivolts) = +61 log conc. I
conc. O
n Calculated potential is the potential inside the cell
n When the membrane is permeable to other ions
the diffusion potential that develops depend
on the following:

1. polarity of the electrical charge
2. permeability of the membrane
3. concentration of the respective ions in
and out of the membrane
n Goldman hogkin katz equation
Resting membrane potential of a nerve
n membrane potential of a large nerve = -90m
n Origin of membrane potential
1. from the K diffusion potential = -94mv
2.from the Na diffusion potential = +61mv
considering both with goldman equation
= -86mv
3.from Na and K pump = -4mv
Nerve action potential
n Rapid changes in the membrane potential
n Conduction of nerve signal
n Stages of action potential

1.resting stage- membrane is polarized
- negative membrane potential

2. depolarization stage – membrane becomes
permeable to Na
- polarized state is lost

3. repolarization stage – Na channel closes
- K channel opens
Voltage gated sodium and potassium channel
n Role in causing action potential
n Voltage gated Na channel has 2 gates
1. activation gate
2. inactivation gate
- at resting state(-90mv) activation gate is closed
and inactivation gate is open
- when membrane potential becomes less negative
(-70 to -50mv) conformational change in
activation gate open Na flow toward inside
- this is the activated state
n Inactivation of Na channel

n Closure of the inactivation gate follows a few 10,000th of a second after the activation gate is open
Role of other ions during action potential
n 1. impermeant negatively charged ions inside the axon

-protein molecules, organic and phosphate compounds

-deficit in positive ions inside the membrane leave an
excess negatively charged ion
n Increase permeability of Na channels when there is deficit of calcium ions

-Na channels are activated by very little increase of
membrane potential above normal level – highly
excitable state tetany

- calcium ions binds with exterior surface of Na channel
increasing the requirement to open the gate
n 3.chloride ions
- leak channel
- passive role
Initiation of action potential
n Any rise in membrane potential

n Opening of the voltage gated Na channel
Threshold for action potential
n Sudden rise of membrane potential by
15 to 30mv
n Threshold for stimulation is -65mv
Accommodation of the membrane
n Failure to fire despite rising voltage
n Very slow rise in membrane potential
n Inactivating gates will have time to close at the
same time that the activating gates are opening
n Ineffective Na flow
Propagation of action potential
n Excitation of adjacent area
n Transmission of depolarization along nerve
or muscle IMPULSE
n Direction of depolarization all branches
of nerve fiber
all or nothing principle
n Once an action potential has been elicited at any
point on the membrane, the depolarization
process will travel over entire membrane if
the conditions are right or it might not travel
at all if conditions are not right

n Safety factor for propagation
Initiation and excitation of action potential
n Any factor causing Na diffusion
n Mechanical
n Chemical
n Electrical
n Threshold for initiation of action potential

- rise in membrane potential of 15-30mv

- -65mv ---- threshold for stimulation

Plateau in some action potential
n Membrane does not repolarize immediately after
depolarization--- heart muscle
n causes: 2 types of channel channel – v gated Na channel
2.slow channel – allows diffusion mostly calcium but
also Na
--activation of fast channel causes spike portion
-- slow but prolonged activation of slow channel is responsible for plateau
-- v-gated K channel are slowly activated sometimes – delays the return
of membrane potential

rhythmicity of action potential
n Repetitive discharge
n Heart muscle, smooth muscle, neurons of CNS

n Reexcitation process – resting membrane must already be
permeable enough to Na ions
n Resting membrane potential of -60 to -70mv not enough to
keep the Na channel and Ca channel closed

special aspect of action potential
n Myelinated and unmyelinated fibers
n Myelin sheath is deposited around axon by Schwann cell

n Sphyngomyelin – excellent insulator
n Node of Ranvier – uninsulated areas
n Saltatory conduction in myelinated fibers

n Value of saltatory conduction
1. increases velocity of nerve conduction
2. conserve energy
3. allows repolarization process to occur with very
little transfer of ions
n Any factor that can cause Na ion influx
n Maybe mechanical, chemical or electrical factor
n Decrease in electrical voltage across membrane

n Threshold for excitation and acute local potentials
-a weak stimulus may not be able to excite a fiber
- progressive increased in stimulus will reach a point when
excitation does take place
inhibition of excitability
n Stabilizers and local anesthesia
n Decrease membrane excitability
n Increase extracellular calcium
n Decrease extracellular calcium level
n Local anesthesia makes activation gate difficult to open

slide smooth m

Smooth muscle
Responsible for the contractility of hollow organs
blood vessel
gastrointestinal tract
urinary bladder
smooth muscle contraction
Small fibers
Skeletal fibers 20 times bigger ,thousand times longer
Same principles of contraction
Differ in physical arrangement
Types of smooth muscle
A. multiunit smooth muscle
-discrete muscle fibers
-each fiber operates independently
-Innervated by a single nerve ending
-covered by basement-like membrane substances
-control by nerve signal
-rarely exhibit spontaneous contraction
-ciliary muscle of the eye
-iris of the eye
B. single unit smooth muscle
-group of muscle fibers that contract together as a single
-aggregated into sheets or bundles
-cell membranes are adherent
-impulse generated at one fiber can be transmitted to the
next fiber
-gap junction—thru which ion can flow from one cell to
the other
-syncitial smooth muscle : visceral sm m.– walls of most
contraction process
Chemical basis – actin and myosin but no troponin
Physical basis – actin attached to dense bodies
- dense bodies are attached to the
cell membranes and other structural
proteins linking them to one another
- myosin filamints are sparsely seen
- less regularity that is characteristics of
skeletal muscle
comparison of smooth and skeletal m
Skeletal muscle contraction – rapid
Smooth m. contraction – prolonged and sustained
Slow cycling of cross bridges – 1/10 to 1/300 the frequency
of skeletal m.
- myosin head lacks ATPase activity
- fraction of time of attachment of cross bridges
actin filamints is increased
Energy required to sustain smooth m. contraction:
only 1/10 to 1/300 in skeletal m.

Slowness of onset of contraction and relaxation:
- contracts 50 to 100 millisec.after it is
- reaches full contraction ½ sec. later
- contraction time of 1 to 3 sec.(30x longer)
- due to slow cycling of cross bridges
Force of contraction – 4 -6 kg/cm2
Percentage of shortening of smooth m. during contraction –
- greater percentage of shortening while maintaining
full force of contraction
-important in function of hollow viscus
due to: 1. optimal overlapping of filamints
2. longer actin filamints
Prolonged holding contraction
The latch mechanism:
once the muscle has developed full contraction the
degree of activation of the muscle can be reduced to less
than the initial level
at the same time the muscle maintain its full strength
of contraction
- responsible for the prolonged tonic with minimal
energy utilization
- little excitatory signal is required
- due to prolonged attachment of filaments
Stress relaxation of smooth m
Ability to return to its original force of contraction seconds after it has been elongated or stretched
example; urinary bladder

Related to latch phenomenon
Regulation of contraction
Initiating event for contraction is increase in intracellular calcium
Increase of calcium by:
1.nervous stimulation
2.hormonal stimulation
3.mechanical factor such as stretch
4. changes in chemical environment
Mechanism of contraction
NO troponin thus different mechanism thru calmodulin
1. calmodulin binds with calcium
2. complex activates myosin kinase of the light chains of the myosin head(regulatory)
becomes phosphorylated
4. phosphorylation start binding of myosin head with
actin thus cycling process occurs
Cessation of contraction is due to
- myosin phosphatase
- splits phosphate from regulatory chain
Myosin kinase and myosin phosphatase may explain the latch phenomenon
Neural and hormonal regulation of contraction
Skeletal muscle is activated exclusively by nervous system
Smooth m. can be stimulated by
hormonal stimuli and other ways
Presence of receptor proteins in the cell membrane
Some are inhibitory receptors
Neuromuscular junction of smooth m
Terminal axon has varicosities which contain transmitter substances
Transmitter substances– acetylcholine and norepinephrine both can either be inhibitory or excitatory depending on the receptor protein
Membrane and action potential in smooth m
Value is variable from one type to the other
Usually between -50 to -60millivolts
Action potentials occur in single unit smooth m. the same way as in skeletal m.
Action potential occurs in single unit smooth m.
the same way in skeletal muscle
Action potential do not normally occur in many
or most of the multiunit type
2 types of potential in smooth m
1. spike potential
2. action potential with plateau
Spike potential
Such as those seen in skeletal m.
Can be seen in most single unit smooth m.
Can be elicited by:
1. electrical stimulation
2. hormonal stimulation
3. transmitter substance
4. spontaneous generation
Action potential with plateaus
Onset is similar to spike potential
Repolarization is delayed by several hundreds
to thousands of milliseconds
Important in prolonged contraction like:
other vascular smooth muscle
calcium channel in action potential
Cell membrane of smooth m. has more calcium channel and few sodium channel
Very little sodium participation
Influx of calcium is responsible for potential generation
Calcium channels open more slowly than sodium channel
Slow action potential
Calcium entry into the cell can act directly on the contracting mechanism
Slow wave potentials in single unit smooth muscle and spontaneous genearation of action potential
Some smooth muscle are self excitatory
Due to basic slow wave rhythm of membrane
Slow wave itself is not an action potential but a local
property of smooth muscle fibers
slow potential
Cause of slow wave
1. waxing and waning of pumping of sodium
2. rhythmical increase and decrease of ionic
Importance of slow wave is that it can initiate action
potential thus also known as pacemaker waves
excitation of smooth m by stretch
When single unit smooth m. is stretched this results
to spontaneous generation of action potential
Due to normal slow wave and decrease in the
negativity of the membrane cause by the stretch
Response of the hollow organ to resist stretch as
seen in the gut
depolarization of smooth m without action potential
Normally contract mainly in response to nerve stimuli
Nerve endings release transmitter substances
Half or most of all smooth m. contraction is initiated
not by action potentials but by stimulatory factors
acting directly on smooth muscle machinery
The 2 factors are
1. local tissue factors
2. various hormones
Local tissue factors
Contraction of arterioles and meta-arterioles and
precapillary sphincter as respond to rapidly changing condition in the interstitial fluid
specific control factors
1.lack of O2 in the local tissue –smooth m.relaxation
2.excess CO2 – vasodilatation
3.increased hydrogen ion conc.- vasodilatation
Hormonal factors
Norepinephrine, epinephrine,acetylcholine,
Angiotensin,oxytocin, serotonin and histamine
Hormone can cause contraction if the membrane contains hormone-gated excitatory receptor and inhibition if receptor is inhibitory
Smooth m contraction
Some hormone receptors in smooth m. open sodium
or calcium channels thus depolarization
Sometime action potential result
Enhance rhythmical action potential
Mostly no action potential into the cell
Calcium ion entry into the cell promotes contraction
Activation of some membrane receptors inhibits contraction
-due to closing of the sodium or calcium channel
-opening of the potassium channels resulting to
efflux of K ion increasing negativity inside—
Sometimes contraction or inhibition is initiated by hormones without change in the membrane potential
-hormone activates a membrane receptor that does
open ion channel but causes an internal change
in muscle fiber: release of calcium ion
- activating enzymes like adenyl cyclase resulting
AMP as second messenger-inhibition of contraction
by affecting calcium pump in sarcoplasmic and
cell membrane
source of calcium ions
Both through the cell membrane and sarcoplasmic
Source of calcium ions differ from that of skeletal m.
Sarcoplasmic reticulum is a rudimetary structure in
most of smooth m.
Most calcium ions in smooth m. comes from extra
cellular fluid
Because smooth m. fibers are small – calcium can
diffuse to all parts of the fiber causing contraction
Calcium can also enter inside the m. fiber through
hormone activated calcium channel
Calcium may not cause action potential because of
sodium pump but contraction can proceed
role of sarcoplamic reticulum
Moderately developed in some fibers
Situated close to the cell membrane invagination-
Calveoli represents the T tubules in the skeletal m.
The more extensive the sarcoplasmic reticulum in the
smooth m. the faster it can contract
effect of extracellular calcium ion
Low concentration results to weakened muscular contraction
Calcium pump
In cell membrane
In organelle membrane
Removal of calcium ions result in relaxation of
contractile filamints
Calcium pump in smooth m. is slow acting –
longer duration of contraction
neural and hormonal control of smooth m contraction
Skeletal muscle is activated exclusively by nervous
Smooth m. can be stimulated by nervous and
hormonal stimuli and other ways
Presence of receptor proteins in the cell membrane
Some are inhibitory receptors

Friday, January 25, 2008

cvs lymphatics lec slides

• Heart is composed of
• -3 major types of cardiac muslce
• 1. atrial muscle
• 2. ventricular muscle
• 3. excitatory and conductive muscle fibers(more of conductive function)
Cardiac muscle as a syncytium
• -presence of intercalated disc-
• --cell membrane separating individual muscle fibers
• ---offers easy diffusion of ions resulting in rapid spread of action potential to cardiac muscles---gap junction
• 2 syncitiums: atrial and ventricular
Action potential in cardiac muscle
• Resting membrane potential of
– -85 to -95mv in ventricular muscle
– -90 to -100mv in conductive fibers

– Shows spike potential followed by a plateau
– --due to fast channel and slow channel

• Contraction of cardiac muscle
• -excitation contraction coupling mechanism
• Extra calcium from T tubules (not only form SR)

• Regulation of heart pumping
• -at rest –pumps only 4 to 6 liters/min
• -severe exercise – pumps 4 to 7 times

• Regulation by
• 1. Intrinsic cardiac regulation
• 2. autonomic nervous system.

• Intrinsic regulation
• Frank-Starling mechanism
• --the more venous return the more blood is pump out to the systemic circulation
• --extra amount of blood in the ventricles stretch the muscle to its optimum interdigitation
• Sympathetic and parasympathetic regulation
• -sympathetic –excites the heart
• -parasympathetic(vagal) stimulation –depressed

• The normal electrocardiogram
• - reflection of cardiac impulse occuring thru the heart
• -electrical currents spread into the tissues surrounding the heart and some to the surface of the body
• Depolarization and repolarization waves
• --P wave is caused by electrical potentials generated as the atria depolarizes
• --QRS complex is caused by ventricular depolarization
• --T wave is caused by potentials generated as the ventricles recover from the state of depolarization(repolarization)

• Cardiac arrhythmias
• Due to
• 1. abnormal rhythmicity of the pacemaker

• 2. shift of the pacemaker from the sinus node to other parts of the heart

• 3. blocks at different points in the transmission of impulse through the heart

• 4. abnormal pathways of impulse transmission through the heart.

• 5. spontaneous generation of abnormal impulses in almost any part of the heart
Abnormal rhythms
• Tachycardia- faster than 100 beats/min
• --increased body temperature
• --stimulation of the heart by sympathetic nerves
• Bradycardia – less than 60 beats/min
• ---athletes
• --vagal stimulation

Abnormal rhythm resulting from impulse conduction block
• -atrioventricular block
• ----conditions causing decrease or total block of impulse conduction in the bundle of his
Premature contraction
• -contraction of the heart prior to the time that normal contraction would have been expected.

• ---caused by ectopic beat
• --premature atrial or ventricular contraction
Most serious of all cardiac arrhythmias
• -ventricular fibrillation--fatal
• --impulse have gone berserk resulting in uncoordinated, asynchronous and ineffective heart muscle contraction
• consequence--pumping action is impaired
• Causes
• -sudden electrical shock
• -ischemia of the heart

Electroshock of the ventricles
• -strong electrical current passed through the ventricles can stop fibrillation by throwing all ventricular muscle to refractory stage …all impulse stopped
• -after which the heart will begin to beat again from the SA node

Muscle blood flow and cardiac output during exercise
• Very strenuous exercise is the most stressful condition that the normal circulatory system faces
• -increase of more than 20 fold in blood flow to the muscle
• -1 liter/min to as great as 20 liters/min
• - increase in cardiac output to 5-6 times normal
Intermittent blood flow during muscle contraction
• -blood flow increases and decreases during contraction- relaxation and contraction phases

• -opening of muscle capillaries during exercise—during rest only 20-25% of muscle capillaries have flowing blood

• during strenuous exercise all capillaries open up—faster diffusion of oxygen from the capillaries to the muscle fiber

Control of blood flow through the skeletal muscles
1. Local effects in the muscles acting directly on the arterioles to cause vasodilatation
• -decrease in oxygen concentration
• -release of vasodilator substances
• -potassium ions,
• acetylcholine,
• adenosine triphosphate,
• lactic acid, and carbon dioxide
2.nervous control
• -presence of sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerves
• -release of norepinephrine
• -additional secretion of norepiniphrine and epinephrine from adrenal medullae
Circulatory readjustments during exercise

• 1. mass discharge of the sympathetic nervous system
• 2.increase in arterial pressure
• 3. increase cardiac output

The coronary circulation
• 1/3 of all deaths in the affluent society result from coronary artery disease

• Left coronary artery-
• --anterior and lateral portions of the left ventricle

• Right coronary artery-
• --most of the right ventricle and post. Part of left ventricle
Ischemic heart disease
• -atherosclerosis
• -most common site- first few centimeters of the coronary arteries

• -myocardial infarction
• --follows immediately after acute occlusion
• --area of muscle that has low or zero flow cant sustain muscle contraction

• Ischemic heart diseases
• -single most common cause of death in western culture
• -may cause sudden death due to acute coronary occlusion
• -or slow death over periods of weeks to years as a result of progressive weakening of heart pumping process
Causes of death following acute coronary occlusion
• 1. decrease cardiac output
• 2. damming of blood in the pulmonary circulation—resulting in edema
• 3.fibrillation of the heart
• 4. rupture of the heart

• Angina pectoris
• -cause is unknown but could be due to lactic acid, histamine kinins or proteolytic enzymes(not removed due to lost of circulation)
• Pain is felt in the chest, sternum, left arm and shoulder
• --trigger by exercise or emotional experience
Treatment for angina pectoris
• --vasodilators
• --beta blockers-blocks beta receptors which then prevents sympathetic stimulation of the heart that occurs during exercise and emotional episodes
• --surgical treatment
• ---aortic-coronary by-pass
• ---coronary angioplasty

Peripheral circulation
• The function of circulation is
• - to service the needs of the tissues
• -transport nutrients
• -waste products away,
• -to conduct hormones
• -maintain appropriate environment in all tissue fluids(maintain the internal ‘mellieu’)
Functional parts of circulation
• Arteries- transport blood under high pressure
• Arterioles – last, smallest branch of the arterial system, act as control valves through which blood is released to the capillaries
• Capillaries- for exchange of fluid –thus very thin and permeable to small molecular substances
• Venules- collects blood from capillaries
• -- reservoir of blood- low pressure and thin walls- keeps 84% of blood volume

Microcirculation and lymphatic system
• Where most purposeful function of he circulation occurs,
• -transport of nutrients to the tissues
• -removal of cellular excreta
Structure of the microcirculation
• Each nutrient artery entering an organ branches six to eight times before the arteries become small enough to be called arterioles
• Arterioles branch 2 to 5 times- capillaries
• Diameter of arterioles – 20 micrometer
• Diameter of capillaries-5 -9 micrometer
Pores in the capillary membrane

• - intercellular cleft- thin slit between endothelial cells in the capillaries

• - plasmalemmal vesicles- transport substance across endothelial cells
Flow of blood in the capillaries

• vasomotion
• -intermittent flow due to metaarteriole and precapillary sphincters –regulated by oxygen concentration

Exchange of nutrients between blood and interstitial fluid
• Diffusion
• -diffusion of lipid-soluble substances through the capillary membrane
• -diffusion of water-soluble substances through the capillary membrane
• Effect of molecular size on passage through the pores
• Effect of concentration difference on net rate of diffusion through the capillary membrane
The interstitium and the interstitial fluid
• -spaces between cells
• -collagen fibers and proteoglycan filamints
• - gel in the interstitium
• - rivulets

Distribution of fluid volume between the plasma and the interstitial fluid
• Four primary forces that determine fluid movement through the capillary membrane
• 1. capillary pressure – force fluid outward
• 2. Interstitial fluid pressure- force fluid inward
• 3.plasma colloid osmotic pressure- forced fluid inward
• 4. interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure -forces fluid outward
The lymphatic system
• Accessory route
• Carry proteins and large particulate matter
• Removal of protein from the interstitial space is essential without it can result in death

• Lymphatic channel of the body

• Lymph from the lower part of the body flows up the thoracic duct and empties into the venous system at the juncture of the left internal jugular vein and subclavian vein

• Lymph form left side of the head the left arm and parts of the chest region also enters the thoracic duct

• Lymph from the right side of the neck and head, from right arm and thorax- right subclavian vein
• Most fluid filtering from the arterial capillaries flows among the cells and is finally reabsorbed back into the venous ends of microcirculation.

• One tenth of the fluid enters the lymphatic capillaries

• High molecular weights like protein cant be reabsorbed into the venous capillaries but thru lymphatic capillaries

Structure of the lymphatic capillaries
• - overlapping endothelial cell provide valve for passage.
Cardiac failure
• -decrease ability of heart to pump blood
• --causes
• --decrease contractility of the heart
• --decrease coronary blood flow
• --damage to the heart valves
• --external pressure

Acute effects of moderate cardiac failure
• --reduced cardiac output
• --damming of blood in the veins- increased in systemic venous pressure
• -from 5 liters/min to less than 2/min
• At <2/min- can sustain life but associated with fainting

• Acute cardiac failure is compensated by sympathetic reflexes
• --baroreceptor reflex
• --chemoreceptor reflex
• --cns ischemic response
• Response
• --strengthens heart contraction
• --increase venous return by increasing vasomotor tone in the veins

• Sympathetic reflex is good for acute phase only
Chronic stage heart failure
• -characterized by
• 1. retention of fluid by the kidneys
• 2. progressive recovery of the heart
• In general renal output remains reduced as long as cardiac output is significantly less than normal

• Beneficial effects of moderate fluid retention in cardiac failure
• --increase tendency for venous return
• ---- increase in mean systemic pressure
• -----distends the veins reduces resistance to venous flow

Decompensated heart failure
• --if severely damaged –cannot be compensated
• --continue to retain fluid – severe edema and eventually lead to death

Sunday, January 13, 2008

a genus of Gram-positive bacteria
ubiquitous in nature
(soil, water, and airborne dust).

Some species are natural flora in the human intestines.
most species of Bacillus are harmless saprophytes
two species are considered medically significant:
B.anthracis and B. cereus
B. anthracis
causes anthrax in cows, sheep, and sometimes humans.

transmitted to humans via direct contact with animal products
or inhalation of endospores
cells appear to have square ends
• Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus anthracis.

• -most commonly occurs in wild and domestic lower vertebrates (cattle, sheep, goats, camels, antelopes, and other herbivores)

• - also occur in humans when they are exposed to infected animals or tissue
• transmitted to humans via direct contact with animal products

• - or inhalation of endospores
CUTANEOUS INFECTION (95% of human cases)
INHALATION ANTHRAX (rare but fatal)

• Anthrax is most common in agricultural regions where it occurs in animals
it is usually due to an occupational exposure to infected animals or their products
• vaccine is reported to be 93% effective in protecting against anthrax.
Who should be vaccinated
B. cereus
• cause toxin-mediated food poisoning
inhabit many kinds of food including stew, cereal, and milk.
been found in fried rice.
toxins released by the bacterium lead to vomiting and diarrhea, symptoms similar to those of Staphylococcus food poisoning.
proper cold storage of food is recommended immediately after preparation.
non-spore-forming bacterium
ferment glucose into lactose, hence the name Lactobacillus.
most common application is industrial-dairy production.
natural flora of the human vagina.
create an acidic environment derive lactic acid from glucose

• Acidic environement inhibits growth of many bacterial species which can lead to
urogenital infections.
generally harmless to humans

• Treatment
- consists of high doses of penicillin in combination with gentamicin.
• promoted as good probiotics for human usage—
Prebiotics ---refers to the soluble fiber component found in certain foods or supplements that stimulate the growth of probiotics in the gastrointestinal tract.
• Lactobacillus Acidophilus
-most commonly used probiotic
Such healthy bacteria inhabit the
intestines and vagina
• -protect against the entrance and
proliferation of "bad" organisms that
• can cause disease.
• the breakdown of food by L. acidophilus leads to production of
• lactic acid
• hydrogen peroxide

• and other byproducts that make the environment hostile for undesired organisms
• L. acidophilus also produces lactase, the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose) into simple sugars
• Probiotics offer a variety of potential therapeutic uses
-Replacing the "friendly" intestinal bacteria destroyed by antibiotics.
Aiding digestion and suppressing disease-causing bacteria.
-Preventing and treating diarrhea
• uses
• Alleviating symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and, possibly, inflammatory bowel disease
Preventing and/or reducing the recurrence of vaginal yeast infections, urinary tract infections, and cystitis
Enhancing the immune response - yogurt
• Dietary Sources
The primary dietary sources of L. acidophilus include
• - milk enriched with acidophilus
• - yogurt containing live L. acidophilus cultures, miso, and tempeh.
• Available Forms
L. acidophilus preparations consist of dried or liquid cultures of living bacteria.
These cultures are usually grown in milk but can sometimes be grown in milk-free cultures.

• L. acidophilus is available in the following forms:
• Freeze-dried granules
• Freeze-dried powders
• Freeze-dried capsules
• Liquid L. acidophilus preparations (which must be kept refrigerated)

• How to Take It
• Prevention or treatment of diarrhea: 1 to 2 billion viable cells per day
• Vaginal infections: 8 ounces of yogurt

• Clinical experience also suggests that placing yogurt with live acidophilus cultures directly to the vaginal area
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
• Gram positive
strict aerobe
pleomorphic (e.g. club-shaped)
• infection
– upper respiratory tract (pharynx)
– pseudomembrane
– chocking
– bacteria do not spread systemically
Diptheria toxin
• spreads
• systemic and fatal injury
• anti-toxin
• antibiotic
Immunization against diphtheria
• disease vanished in US
– without immunization will return
toxoid (+ pertussis and tetanus) DPT
• neutralizing antibodies
colonization not inhibited
– found in normal flora
Clostridium sp
relatively large, Gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria.

All species form endospores

strictly fermentative mode of metabolism
will not grow under aerobic conditions

vegetative cells are killed by exposure to O2
spores are able to survive long periods of exposure to air

clostridia are ancient organisms
live in virtually all of the anaerobic habitats of nature
where organic compounds are present
soils, aquatic sediments and the intestinal tracts of animals
Clostridium botulinum
Botulin is the poison
canning meat, fish, fruits and veggies
In the US an average of 110 cases of botulism are
reported each year
• food poisoning
– rare
– fatal

• germination of spore
• inadequately sterilized canned food
– home
• not an infection
Botulinum toxin
• binds peripheral nerve receptors
– acetylcholine neurotransmitter
• inhibits nerve impulses
• flaccid paralysis
• death
– respiratory
– cardiac failure
Infection with C. botulinum
• Neonatal botulism
– uncommon
– the predominant form of botulism
– colonization occurs
• no normal flora to compete
• unlike adult
Botulinum toxin
• Bioterrorism
– not an infection
– resembles a chemical attack
• anti-toxin
• antibiotic therapy (if infection)
Clostridium difficile
"difficile," because they are difficult

pseudomembranous colitis
endoscopy -big white spots
• After antibiotic use
• intestinal normal flora
– greatly decreased
• colonization occurs
• enterotoxin secreted
• pseudomembanous colitis
• discontinuation of initial antibiotic (e.g. ampicillin)

• specific antibiotic therapy (e.g. vancomycin)
Clostridium perfringens
invasive pathogen

huge array of invasins and toxins
causes wound and surgical infections
severe uterine infections
• soil, fecal contamination
• war
• gas gangrene
– swelling of tissues
– gas release
* fermentation products
• wound contamination
gas gangrene
foot rot, or boot rot
the foot and leg swell up due to the gas produced
the gas bubbles out
• It smells really fetid like the putrid smell of rotted meat
• tissue degrading enzymes
– lecithinase [" toxin]
– proteolytic enzymes
– saccharolytic enzymes

• destruction of blood vessels
• tissue necrosis
• anaerobic environment created
• organism spreads

Without treatment death
occurs within 2 days
Ø effective antibiotic therapy
Ø debridement
Ø anti-toxin
Ø amputation & death is rare

Clostridium tetani
A severe case of tetanus.
muscles, back and legs are rigid
muscle spasms can break bones
can be fatal (e.g respiratory falure
• Non-invasive
• disseminates systemically
• binds to ganglioside receptors
– inhibitory neurones in CNS
• Blocks release of glycine
– Inhibitory neurotransmitter
• stops nerve impulse to muscles
• spastic paralysis
• severe muscle contractions and spasms
• can be fatal
• infant
• DPT (diptheria, pertussis, tetanus)
• tetanus extremely uncommon in US
• tetanus toxoid
– antigenic
– no exotoxic activity

Saturday, January 12, 2008

lec slides on gen pathology

Atrophy –

• A decrease in individual cell size due to lower rates of metabolism and decreased protein synthesis.
Causes of atrophy
• (1) Decreased workload
• (2) Loss of innervation
• (3) Diminished blood supply
• (4) Inadequate nutrition
• (5) Loss of endocrine stimulation
• (6) Aging
• Hypertrophy –

• An increase in tissue mass resulting from an increase in cell size rather than cell numbers.
Hypertrophy may be caused by
• (1) Increased functional demand
• (2) Hormonal stimulation
• Hyperplasia –
• Increase in tissue mass due to an increased rate of cell division and cellular proliferation.

• Hyperplasia may be physiologic or pathologic.

• (1) Physiologic hyperplasia -as a result of
normal hormonal stimulation
e.g., female breast enlargement during puberty and

• (2) Pathologic hyperplasia is the result of a noxious
callous formation on the hands of a manual laborer
or excessive hormonal stimulation
• Pathologic hyperplasia
is probably a step in the development of cancer (neoplasia).

• Thus hyperplastic changes in some tissues may be considered premalignant.
• Metaplasia –
• A reversible change in cell structure from one fully differentiated form to another in response to a noxious stimulus.

• represents an attempt by tissue to replace a susceptible cell type with a more resistant one.
• In smokers -columnar cells cells are replaced by stratified squamous epithelium

• Smokers who quit may regain normal mucous secreting bronchial epithelium.

• Persistent stimulus producing metaplasia -it may induce malignant transformation.

• Thus, like hyperplasia, metaplasia is considered a
pre-malignant change.
• Dysplasia –
• Disordered cellular morphology, organization, and function
– Dysplastic tissues display abnormal variation in overall cell size and shape as well as nuclear structure.

– Dysplasia is strongly implicated as a precursor to cancer.

– Dysplasia is distinguished from cancer by the important fact that dysplastic changes can be reversed if the abnormal stimulus is removed.





• Injury at one locus can lead to wide ranging secondary effects…

• Impairment of aerobic respiration—lead to disruption of energy dependent sodium pump--- disrupts cellular ionic and fluid balance
Ischemic and hypoxic injury
• Sequence of events and ultrastructural changes

• Occlusion of coronary artery and examination of the muscle supplied by the artery.
Reversible cell injury
• First point of attack in hypoxia
• Aerobic respiration

• Decrease in production of ATP

• In heart muscle occlusion of 60sec. Resulted in cessation of contraction
Anaerobic glycolysis
• Consequence of decrease ATP
• 1. Increase in lactic acid
• 2. Decrease intracellular ph
• 3. Clumping of nuclear material
Acute cellular swelling
• Earliest and most common manifestation of cellular hypoxia

• Impairment of cellular volume regulation

• Failure of active transport by sodium pump
• Accumulation of sodium intracellularly

• Net gain of solute accompanied by isosmotic gain of water
Detachment of ribosome
• Ribosomes detached from E.R.
• Maybe due to disruption of energy-dependent reaction between ribosome and E.R. membrane

• Blebs start to form

• All changes are still reversible
Irreversible cellular injury
• If hypoxia continues irreversible changes occur
• Vacuolization of mitochondria
• Extensive damage to plasma membrane
• Swelling of lysosomes
• Release of lysosomal enzymes
• Digestion of cellular components
• Cell death
Cell death
• Progressive degradation of cell components
• Leakage of cellular enzymes into ECF

• In cardiac muscle after 30-40mins of hypoxia
• SGOT, LDH, CK– criteria for MI
Mechanisms of irreversible injury
• What is the critical biochemical event responsible for the “point of no return”?

• Duration of hypoxia differs in type of tissue
• liver—1 to 2 hrs
• brain ----2 to 3 mins
Cell systems most vulnerable to injuries that induce necrosis include
1. Cell membranes
2. Aerobic respiration
3. Synthetic apparatus (proteins, enzymes)
4. Genetic apparatus
Four common mechanisms associated with injuries that induce necrosis
• caspases

• are a family of proteins that are one of the main executors of the apoptotic process.

• They belong to a group of enzymes known as cysteine proteases and exist within the cell as inactive pro-forms or zymogens
Free radicals and cell injury
• Chemical species that has a single unpaired electron in an outer orbital

• Extremely reactive and unstable

• Reacts with inorganic and organic chemicals—key molecules in membranes

• Initiates autocatalyctic reactions
molecules they react to becomes free
radicals themselves thus propagating damage

1. radiant energy
2. oxidative reactions within normal
3.metabolism by exogenous chemicals
The Role of Oxygen-derived Free Radicals
• While oxygen is vital for normal energy metabolism, it also plays a special role in cell injury.
• mitochondria generates
hydrogen peroxide
hydroxyl radicals

• These are short-lived molecules unstable and highly reactive.
• most common pattern of necrosis
• lost of nucleus
• preservation of basic cell outline and architecture
• sudden severe ischemia
• denaturation of protein and enzymes
• Ischemic destruction of brain tissue
• Autolysis and heterolysis by hydrolytic enzymes
• Necrotic tissue is converted to cystic structure
• Filled with fluid and debris
• Opaque, chalky white deposits
• Fatty acids forming complex with calcium
• Lipases catalyze decomposition of triglycerides
• Acute pancreatic necrosis
• Combination of coagulative and liquefactive necrosis
• Tuberculous infections
• Friable whitish-gray debris– cheesy material
• Encountered within granulomatous wall
• Usually applied to a limb
• Lost of blood supply in lower limb
• Ischemic cell death and coagulative necrosis modified by liquifactive necrosis

• Dry gangrene – if coagulative predominates
• Wet gangrene – if liquefaction predominates
Chemical injury
• 1. Act directly by combining with some molecular
component or organelle
• 2. Some are converted to reactive toxic

May result to
1. membrane injury or
2. generation of free radical

Virus induced cell injury
• 2 types
• 1. cytolytic/cytopathic viruses
• 2. oncogenic tumors
• 1. Rapidly replicating virus particles interfere with host cell metabolism

• 2. Induction of immunologic response
- destruction of cell by antibody or cell mediated reaction
Hepatitis B
• Damage to the hepatocytes
- caused by cytolysis mediated by T lymphocytes
• Inflammation is the process in which healthy tissue responds to an injury

• Purpose of inflammation
1. To destroy and remove substances recognized as being foreign to the body
2. to prevent minor infections from becoming overwhelming
3. To prepare any damaged tissue for repair
• Reaction of vascularized living tissue to injury

• Destroy, dilute wall off injurious agents

• Heal and repair damaged tissue:
• 1. Regeneration of native parenchymal cell

• 2. filling of defects with fibroblastic tissue(scar)
Causes of Inflammation
• Infection
• Physical trauma
• Chemical trauma
• Irradiation
• Thermal injury (hot or cold)
• Immunity (hypersensitivity)
• Ischemia
• Nutrient deprivation
Acute/Chronic Inflammation
• Short term inflammatory process that complete resolves
– mostly PMN’s

• Chronic Inflammation
long term that may or may not completely

• Acute
-short duration
- exudation of fluid and plasma protein
- emigration of leukocytes
Chronic inflammation
• Longer duration
• Presence of lymphocytes and macrophages
• Proliferation of blood vessels and connective tissue

Systemic Manifestations
• Fever
– endogenous pyrogens are produced by the macrophages and possibly by the eosinophils
• Mechanism
– act on hypothalamus to reset thermostat
– body generates arachidonic acid
– vasoconstriction
– piloerection
– shivering
Changes in vascular flow
• 1.transient vasoconstriction
• 2. vasodilatation – increase blood flow
• 3. slowing of circulation – brought about by
increased in permeability resulting in
hemoconcentration – stasis
• 4. leukocytic margination - emigration
Changes in vascular compartment
• Increase in hydrostatic pressure and vasodilatation - transudation
Cellular events
• Most important feature of inflammation
– -accumulation of leukocytes
– Engulf and degrade bacteria, immune complexes

Emigration toward chemotactic stimulus

Systemic Manifestations
• Lymphadenopathy
– enlarged lymph node
• Lymphangiitis
– inflammation of lymphatic vessel
• Lymphadenitis
– inflammation of lymph nodes
Vascular Response
• Momentary vasoconstriction which decreases blood flow

• Vasodilation of the arterioles and venules which increases blood flow
– fluid flows from the capillaries into the interstitial spaces to dilute the injurious agent
– fluid brings complement and antibodies to the area
Cellular Response
• Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils
– first to arrive at the injury
– secrete powerful chemotactic chemicals
Cellular ResponseMargination
• Movement of neutrophils toward the endothelial lining
• Causes of margination
– electrical charge on the endothelial cells changes
– blood viscosity increases
– blood flow slows
– chemical mediators
Cellular Response Diapedesis
• When activated, neutrophils squeeze through the endothelial gaps into the tissues by a process known as Diapedesis
• Diapedesis means “cell-walking
Cellular ResponseChemotaxis
• Chemotaxis
• --is the directional and purposeful movement of cells by ameboid movement toward an area of injury in response to a chemical mediator.
Cellular ResponsePhagocytosis
• The plasma membrane of the neutrophil flows around the foreign particle and engulfs it.
• Lysosomes release chemicals which digest the foreign particle.
• The phagocyte often dies.Cellular debris is removed by monocytes and macrophages

lec slides on common viral infection

Common viral infections
• Measles
• Rubella
• Mumps
• Varicella or chicken pox
• Influenza
• Hepatitis
• Epstein barr virus or glandular fever
• Cytomegalic virus
• Parvo virus
• Etiologic agent- paramyxovirus
-a common viral infection usually affecting children
-very contagious and is spread by infected people coughing out droplets infected with the virus
characterised by a skin rash or exanthem
-begins with a 4 day prodromal period
consisting of high fever
bright red conjunctivitis
a harsh cough and coryza
development of a maculopapular eruption
maculopapular lesions
starts behind the ears and spreads onto the face, arms, trunk and arms
It becomes confluent and fades by desquamation and staining.

• Koplik spot
• Pathognomonic
of measles
• It is usually an uneventful illness
--but may be complicated by
-viral pneumonia
- secondary bacterial infections
• caused by the rubella virus
• mild infection of little consequence unless contracted during pregnancy.
• characterised by
– Malaise
– headaches
– conjunctivitis
– and fever
• On the second day a rash of rose-pink or macular spots appears
then fades within 1 to 3 days.
There is accompanying lymphadenopathy
• Etiologic agent- paramyxovirus
• usually contracted in childhood
• may be asymptomatic
• or associated with only fever and malaise
It is characteristically associated with
• parotitis
• pancreatitis
• oophoritis
• orchitis
• and lymphocytic meningitis.
Varicella or chicken pox
Etiologic agent --varicella-zoster virus
-infection usually contracted in childhood
initial or primary infection is characterised by
- fever and an eruption
• prodromal period of 1 to 2 days consisting of
– Malaise
– fever
– and vomiting which is followed by the appearance of an eruption
This begins as a macule which rapidly progresses through papule, vesicle, pustule and crust within 48
– Complications in childhood are rare and consist of secondary bacterial infections
– Varicella then becomes a latent viral infection and reactivation may occur 40 to 50 years later as
– -- varicella zoster or shingles
varicella zoster or shingles
• manifests itself usually by recurrence in
• skin
• motor nerves
characterised by the onset of
• severe pain
• hyperaesthesia
• malaise and slight fever
After 3 to 4 days the area affected develops an erythematous rash which is followed by the appearance of closely grouped vesicles. These vesicles rapidly progress to pustules and crusts.
• After 3 to 4 days the area affected develops an
• erythematous rash
• closely grouped vesicles
• pustules and crusts.
• Caused by orthomyxoviruses
There are three types of influenza, A, B and C
Type C infuenza - relatively uncommon
type B - produces endemic and small epidemics of influenza
type A virus - produces endemic, epidemic and pandemics of influenza
• characterised by
• sudden onset of fever, headaches, myalgia and a cough.
fever usually settles by the third day and the illness by about one week.
The illness may be complicated by a viral or secondary bacterial pneumonia.

• caused by agents whose primary tissue tropism is the liver.
at least five hepatitis viruses have been recognised, and these have been named:-
Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E.
Clinical Features
• majority of infections are totally asymptomatic
common clinical features include: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, right upper quadrant pain and raised liver enzymes
• Jaundice is the hall mark of infection, but tends to develop late.
Anicteric cases are also very common.
• Hepatitis A - "Infectious Hepatitis"
Caused by a picornavirus, Enterovirus 72
Clinical Features
Incubation period 3-5 weeks (mean 28 days)
-Milder disease than Hepatitis B
-asymptomatic infections are very common, there is no chronic form of the disease.
• Complications:
• Fulminant hepatitis is rare: 0.1% of cases
Virus enters via the gut; replicates in the alimentary tract and spreads to infect the liver, where it multiplies in hepatocytes.
Viraemia is transient. Virus is excreted in the stools for two weeks preceding the onset of symptoms.
• Transmission - Enteric
Contamination of food or water with sewage
– Infected food handlers
– Shell fish grown in sewage-polluted water
• Diagnosis
diagnosis is made on the presence of HAV-specific IgM in the patient's blood.
• Prevention
1) Passive immunisation -
Travellers to third world countries
– Household contacts of acute cases
2) Active Immunization
Inactivated cell culture-derived vaccine has recently become available; not in general use
Hepatitis E
• Calicivirus
Recently identified cause of enterically transmitted non-A, non-B (NANB) hepatitis
Clinical Features
Incubation period 30-40 days
Acute, self limiting hepatitis, no chronic carrier state
Age: predominantly young adults, 15-40 years
• Complications
• Fulminant hepatitis in pregnant women. Mortality rate is high (up to 40%).
• Pathogenesis
Similar to hepatitis A
• Diagnosis
No routine laboratory tests are available as yet
Hepatitis B
• Clinical Features
• Incubation period 2 - 5 months
• Insidious onset of symptoms. Tends to cause a more severe disease than Hepatitis A.
• Asymptomatic infections occur frequently.
• Infection is parenterally transmitted
The virus replicates in the liver and virus particles, as well as excess viral surface protein, are shed in large amounts into the blood.
Viraemia is prolonged and the blood of infected individuals is highly infectious.
• Complications
• 1) Persistant infection:-
• 5% of infected individuals fail to eliminate the virus completely and become persistantly infected
• The virus persists in the hepatocytes and on-going liver damage occurs because of the host immune response against the infected liver cells
Chronic infection
• Chronic persistent Hepatitis - the virus persists, but there is minimal liver damage
Chronic Active Hepatitis - There is aggressive destruction of liver tissue and rapid progression to cirrhosis or liver failure
• 2) Patients who become persistently infected are at risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
• 3) Fulminant Hepatitis
• Rare; accounts for 1% of infections.
• Hepatitis B is parenterally transmitted
1) Blood:
• Blood transfusions, serum products,
• sharing of needles, razors
• Tattooing, acupuncture
• Renal dialysis
• Organ donation
2) Sexual intercourse
3) Horizontal transmission in children, families, 'close personal contact'.
.4) Vertical transmission –
perinatal transmission from a carrier mother to her baby
Diagnosis: Serology
A. Acute infection with resolution
Viral antigens
• 1) Surface antigen (HBsAg) - presence in serum indicates that virus replication is occurring in the liver
• 2) 'e' antigen (HBeAg) - Its presence in serum indicates that a high level of viral replication is occurring in the liver
• 3) core antigen (HBcAg) core protein is not found in blood
Antibody response
1) Surface antibody (anti-HBs) –
- indicates immunity following infection-
- It remains detectable for life and is not found in chronic carriers (see below).
2) e antibody (anti-HBe)
-It indicates low infectivity in a carrier.
3) Core IgM rises early in infection and indicates recent infection

4) Core IgG rises soon after IgM, and remains present for life in both chronic carriers as well as those who clear the infection.
• Prevention
• 1) Active Immunization
• Two types of vaccine are available:
– Serum derived - prepared from HBsAg purified from the serum of HBV carriers
– Recombinant HBsAg - made by genetic engineering in yeasts

• Vaccine should be administered to people at high risk of infection with HBV:
– 1) Health care workers
– 2) Sexual partners of chronic carriers
– 3) Infants of HBV carrier mothers

• 2) Passive Antibody
• Hepatitis B immune globulin should be administered to non immune individuals following single episode exposure to HBV-infected blood.
For example: needlestick injuries
Hepatitis C
• The major cause of parenterally transmitted non A non B hepatitis
In 1989, the genome was cloned from the serum of an infected chimpanzee.

Clinical Features
• Incubation period 6-8 weeks
Causes a milder form of acute hepatitis than does hepatitis B
• But 50% individuals develop chronic infection, following exposure
• Complications
• 1) Chronic liver disease
2) Hepatocellular carcinoma
• Blood transfusions, blood products
• organ donation
• Intravenous drug abusers
• community acquired: mechanism unclear. ?Vertical transmission
• ?sexual intercourse
• 1) Serology
Reliable serological tests have only recently become available.
HCV-specific IgG indicates exposure, not infectivity

• 2) PCR detects viral genome in patient's serum
Delta Agent
• Defective virus which requires Hepatitis B as a helper virus in order to replicate.
Infection therefore only occurs in patients who are already infected with Hepatitis B.
Clinial Features
• Increased severity of liver disease in Hepatitis B carriers
Hepatitis G
• originally cloned from the serum of a surgeon with non-A, non-B, non-C hepatitis, has been called Hepatitis G virus.
It was implicated as a cause of parenterally transmitted hepatitis, but is no longer believed to be a major agent of liver disease.

On hiv
• attempt to bolster the body's ability to fight HIV

• "therapeutic" vaccines+anti-viral therapy
• may improve the body's response to HIV.

• Other treatments boost CD4 count (T-cells), though this approach is not believed to be useful unless it is combined with an antiviral treatment
Tests That Monitor The Immune System
• HIV viral load.
• testing measures the amount of HIV in blood plasma.
• CD4 count
• measures the number of CD4 cells in a blood sample.
• The CD4 count is one indicator of how much damage HIV has caused to the immune system.
• CD8 count
• CD8s are a different subset of T-cells that include suppressor T-cells and "killer" T-cells.
• At this stage, several things can happen
• The new virus ("provirus") can remain inactive for a long time without triggering the reproduction of virus,
• divide into two proviruses- mitosis

• or it can start producing new virus

• budding off from the T-cell wall-- eventually destroying the T-cell.
• In the process of viral reproduction

• the virus destroys increasing numbers of T-cells

• leaving the body open to
• opportunistic infections

• How HIV Is Spread
• Requirements For Transmission to Occur

• 1. HIV must be present
• 2. In sufficient quantity
• 3. And it must get into the bloodstream.
• Where is HIV Found in the Body?
• HIV can be transmitted from an infected person to another through:
• Blood (including menstrual blood)
• Semen
• Vaginal secretions
• Breast milk
• Possibly infectious "bodily fluids"
• Pre-seminal fluid (pre-cum)

• Non-infectious "bodily fluids"
• Saliva
• Tears
• Sweat
• Feces
• Urine

• Activities That Allow HIV Transmission
• there are three primary ways in which this can happen:
• 1. Unprotected sexual contact
• 2. Direct blood contact
• including injection drug needles, blood transfusions, accidents in health care settings or certain blood products
• 3. Mother to baby
• before or during birth, or through breast milk
• Sexual Routes Of Transmission
• Sexual intercourse (vaginal and anal)

• Oral sex (mouth-penis, mouth-vagina)

• Heterosexual transmission studies
• Sexual intercourse (vaginal and anal)

• Oral sex (mouth-penis, mouth-vagina)

• Heterosexual transmission studies
• Non-Sexual Routes Of Transmission
• Sharing injection needles
• Needle sticks
• Blood transfusions
• Hemophilia treatments
• pooled blood of many donors
• Other blood products
• Mother to Child

• HIV Is NOT Transmitted By
• Insect bites
• Casual contact
• sharing of dishes/foods
• Donating blood
• Swimming pools/bath tubs
• Pets
• Contact with saliva, tears,sweat,urine,feces
• Rape/sexual assault?
• Transmission Through Tattooing, Piercing, Acupuncture, Electrolysis, and Shaving

• What is the risk?

• Universal precautions

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

enterobacteriaceae lec slides

• Gram Negative Bacilli:
• Enteric Gm Neg Bacilli:
– Bacteroides fragilis
– Citrobacter diversus
– Enterobacteriaceae
– Escherichia coli
– Klebsiella Pneumoniae
– Proteus mirabilis
– Salmonella typhi
– Serratia
• gastrointestinal diseases
– Escherichia coli
– Salmonella
– Shigella
– Yersinia entercolitica

• community acquired
• otherwise healthy people
– Klebsiella pneumoniae
* respiratory diseases
* prominent capsule

– urinary tract infection
– fecal contamination
– E. coli
– Proteus
– urease (degrades urea)
– alkaline urine
– gram negative facultative anaerobic rods
– oxidase negative (no cytochrome oxidase)

• E. coli
– lactose positive
– not usually identified
– lactose positive sp. common, healthy intestine
• Shigella, Salmonella,Yersinia
– lactose negative
– identified

Diarrhea and Dysentery
Escherichia coli
• E. coli and Shigella
– genetically indistinguishable
– many similarities in diseases
1. Enteropathogenic E. coli
destruction of surface microvilli
• fever
• diarrhea
• vomiting
• nausea
• non-bloody stools
2. Enterotoxigenic E. coli
• diarrhea like cholera
• milder
• travellers diarrhea
3.Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC )
• Dysentery
- resembles shigellosis
4. Enterohemorrhagic E. coli
• Enterohemorrhagic E. coliVero toxin
– “shiga-like”

• Hemolysins

• Hemorrhagic
– bloody, copious diarrhea
– few leukocytes
– afebrile
• hemolytic-uremic syndrome
– hemolytic anemia
– thrombocytopenia (low platelets)
– kidney failure

Treatment -gastrointestinal disease
• fluid replacement
• antibiotics
– not used usually unless systemic
– e.g. hemolytic-uremia syndrome
• S. flexneri, S. boydii, S. sonnei, S. dysenteriae
– bacillary dysentery
– shigellosis
• bloody feces
• intestinal pain
• pus

• within 2-3 days
– epithelial cell damage

• 2000 antigenic "types”
• genetically single species
– S. enterica
• disease category
– S. enteritidis
– many serotypes
– S. cholerae-suis
– S. typhi


• S. enteritidis
– the common salmonella infection
– poultry, eggs
– no human reservoir
– Gastroenteritis
• nausea
• vomiting
• non-bloody stool
• self-limiting (2 - 5 days)
• uncomplicated cases (the vast majority)
• antibiotic therapy not useful
S. cholerae-suis
• much less common
• septicemia
• antibiotic therapy essential
• enteric fever
• severest salmonella disease
• Salmonella typhi
• rare in US
• epidemics
– third world
– Europe
* historical

Salmonella typhi
• human reservoir
– carrier state common
• contaminated food
• water supply
• poor sanitary conditions

S. typhi
• Vi (capsular) antigen
– protective

Typhoid -Therapy
• Antibiotics
– essential
• Vaccines
– ineffective

Vibrio cholerae
• Gram negative rods
• comma shaped
• facultative anaerobes
• oxidase positive
• simple nutritional requirements
• readily cultivated
Occurrence -cholera
• third world
• US
– uncommon
* traveler
* ingestion of sea-food
Transmission - V. cholerae
– fresh
– Salt-----
– food
Cholera toxin- Choleragen

• B binds to gangliosides
• provides channel for A
• A catalyses ADP-ribosylation
– regulator complex
– activates adenylate cyclase

Cholera -therapy
• massive secretion of ions/water into
gut lumen
• dehydration and death
• therapy
• fluid replacement
• antibiotic therapy
• vaccination
• partially effective
• not generally used
• international travelers
Vibrio parahemolyticus
• raw sea-food
• grows best in high salt
• not common in US
• diarrhea

• Gram negative rods
• curved or spiral
• genetically related

C. jejuni
• infects the intestinal tract of animals
– cattle and sheep
– major cause of abortions
• milk
• meat products

Isolation - Campylobacter
• microaerophilic
• grows best 42oC

Campylobacter - symptoms
• diarrhea
• malaise
• fever
• abdominal pain
• usually self-limiting
• antibiotics occassionally
• bacteremia
– small minority
Helicobacter pylori
• stomach mucosa
• ulcers
Important in neutralizing stomach acid
Diagnosis -Helicobacter
• Culture
- urease NH4+ CO2
• mucosal endoscopy NH4
• radioactive CO2 breath
after feeding radioactive urea

Therapy -Helicobacter
• Antibiotics
– cures ulcers
Summary statement
• sanitary measures
– protect the water supply
• food/water borne epidemics
– rare US
– common third world
• zoonotic infections
– contaminated animal products
– less well controlled
– common US and elsewhere
• severe diarrhea
– fluid replacement essential

• antibiotic therapy sometimes used in local
infection but always in systemic disease